As some of you may know, I'm making a radio application that loads a song from the Newgrounds Audio Portal.
It's going great, so far I have the following done:
- Load Songs Randomly From the NGAP
- When song finishes, either loop it or find another song randomly
- Volume Control
- Download Song
- Go to Song Page
- Broken songs are skipped over
I am working on:
- Visualizer
- Song Position Slider
I plan to add:
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Tons of visualizer features
- Favorites and voting
- History
- Playlists
- Author Playlists, based on the author's other submissions
- Desktop App (Adobe AIR Application)
This is a PAIN to test, because I have to wait about 6 minutes each time (to let the songs loop through) to test the stuff I'm working on right now.
Eh... Yeah. I also have a super-secret game in the works. ;)
Good luck. You're taking on a huge task man.