wooo, short shorts on girls is sexy
but radio, meh, I dont think many people would use it...
and, i dont think you can write it'd
Insert witty comment here.
Age 29, Male
Tokyo, Japan
Joined on 9/9/07
wooo, short shorts on girls is sexy
but radio, meh, I dont think many people would use it...
and, i dont think you can write it'd
http://dictionary.reference.com/b rowse/it'd
it'd [it-uhd] Show IPA
1. contraction of it would.
2. contraction of it had.
well, im from sweden so it's not that easy for me... :(
Well I can't even speak Swedish so you have an advantage.
See what I did thar?
whats thar?
It is a made up word. It's a funny way of saying "There".
And you should make a ragdoll game!!!
That would be awesome!
I can't do advanced physics like that. ;(
Hey handsome. AHEM, I mean, Ben. Check my user page if you like.
G-Green Day?
Green Day is amazing :3
Canadian idiot.
I don't like Short shorts 3:
Eh, radio. What kinda things would it have on it? Music from the Audio Portal?
Yeah. Just like in WD, it'd load any song you want from the audio portal.