Insert witty comment here.

Benjamin Bray @Archawn

Age 29, Male


Tokyo, Japan

Joined on 9/9/07

Exp Points:
7,640 / 8,090
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.84 votes
Police Sergeant
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
1y 11m 30d

Archawn's News

Posted by Archawn - May 23rd, 2008

I've decided to make this a weekly post. This is the 2nd in a series of updates about my new game. If you want to see my first post, click here.

Here is a quick overview of the features of my upcoming game, "A Windows Parody".
(note: features marked with an Asterisk ( * ) may or may not be included)

- Over 20 fake websites to browse, including 'toons + audio on NG
- Realistic 'Vista' look
- Working Start Menu
- Chat (explained here)
- Paint Clone (explained here)
- Addictive, simple games (explained here)
- I will try to make an animation program, and I'm learning to save bitmaps to do so!
- Newgrounds! (explained here)
- Runescape (I know it's a terrible game, but my parody will be better!)
- Blackjack
- Online Black Market
- Bomb control (blow up the White House wing by wing!)
- Errors!
- Homework helper (explained here)
- Much more!

New Features
- Audio Portal!
- Space Invaders
- More Errors!
- Type in your own URL to find websites (explained below)
- No Hand Cursor, just like in Windows.
- Google/Google Images/Gmail (called Poogle)(explained Below)
- Wanna chat with Tom Fulp-bot? More custom PandoraBots*
- I'll try adding some forums (PandoraBots galore!)*
- Virtual Piano w/recording*

Web Browser (Internet Adventurer)
As I mentioned in the last post, there will be tons of sites to browse. Now, you'll be able to type in a certain URL in an imput text box (or you can use the "help" feature and get a full list of links to the sites). Example: If you want to go to newgrounds, you can click on the NG icon, or go to the browser and type in "www.newgrounds.com". You can also type different forms of the same site. Ex: "www.newgrounds.com/346920" will take you to an animation,
"www.newgrounds.com/3450" will take you to another animation,
"www.newgrounds.com/submit" will allow you to submit a drawing you make in the Stain Program. (explained here)

Poogle Search Engine
There will be 3 Poogle sites:

Poogle Images

There will be some pictures to search through, and some web pages to find. Each has their own search terms, and I'm trying to link it to a database for even more possibilities.

Thanks for reading this looooooong post!

PS: Leave some comments so I can get some more feedback!

My new game |_5.23.08_| |_12:30 PM_|

Posted by Archawn - May 17th, 2008

This is the first post of many about my new game - "A Windows Simulator"
I really hope you check up on this, because it will be an awesome game.
In addition to this being a preview of my game, this is also a place to post ideas that you're too lazy to animate/code yourself. I would also appreciate it if you could email me some small animations to put in the fake Newgrounds. PM me and I'll give you my email adress. I'll credit you both during the flash and in the author comments, so don't worry.

Features will include:
- Over 20 fake websites to browse, including 'toons + audio on NG
- Realistic 'Vista' look
- Working Start Menu
- Chat (explained below)
- Paint Clone (explained below)
- Addictive, simple games (explained below)
- I will try to make an animation program, and I'm learning to save bitmaps to do so!
- Newgrounds! (explained below)
- Runescape (I know it's a terrible game, but my parody will be better!)
- Blackjack
- Online Black Market
- Bomb control (blow up the White House wing by wing!)
- Errors!
- Homework helper (explained below)
- Much more!

Chat System
The chat system will use a custom Pandora Bot that will interact with you and remember things about you. Be nice, or he may not talk! He can also give you the secret RuneScape Password, and trust me, it's awesome.

Paint Clone
The MS Paint clone, called Stain in my parody, is going to be fully functional. I will use my growing knowledge of saving bitmaps to allow you to access things you've saved. There will be an almost full range of RGB colors, plus many brush shapes and sizes.

The games will range from simple things like Pong and Breakout! to Target Practice and The Legend of Zel-DUH. You might even come back just for the games!

The Newgrounds engine could be a whole flash in itself. There will be many different animations, and depending on the time of day (determined by your computer's clock), you'll have different choices. The audio will be the best of the best off NG, and you can play it in the BG while you're playing ZelDUH or something. But, I really need people to send small cartoons for me to use in the game. They don't have to be super-good, but I won't be able to come up with many ideas. The image at the bottom of the post is a picture of my current progress making the NG front page.

Homework Helper
The homework helper comes complete with a calculator, graph, conversion calculator, and plotting system. The graph will be fairly large, and you can set the scale to 1x1, 2x2, 5x5, or 10x10. The plotting system will be fully coded with 20 or so dots that you can move around, or insert x and y values for them.

Thanks for reading this terribly long post, and I hope you look out for my game!

UPDATE: Comment as much as possible because I'm trying to get 100 comments before my friend (I won't tell you his name or you may betray me!)

UPDATE: 100 comments as of 6:56 tonight!

My new game |_5.20.08_|  |_6:30 PM_|

Posted by Archawn - May 15th, 2008

Here's a warning from someone who's just made the dumbest download possible. Whatever you do, do NOT download Windows Service Pack 3. It does almost nothing, and it comes with a whole load of problems.

- Can't restart computer
- If you're not lucky, you can't even turn off your computer
- Messes with IE7
- Removes most 3rd party software
- Say bye-bye to Internet Explorer patches
- You can't set your default browser to anything but Internet Explorer

The worst part is, it disables all 3rd party windows themes. If you like custom themes, and not those dull boring ones that come default with XP/Vista, you'll be ripping your hair out.

But, if you do download, there is a way to fix it! Go to Windows X's Live to download the UXTheme Multipatcher, and all your troubles will go away!

- You can once again install 3rd party software and themes
- Internet Explorer is back to the way it was before
- You can once agian set new default browsers
- Windows runs faster
- Patches the rest of Service Pack 1, 2, or 3.

Thanks for reading,

Windows Service Pack 3 -- Your computer's safety may depend on this post!

Posted by Archawn - May 13th, 2008

Anyone know how to make a Cross-Media-Bar in Flash? I'm looking for something like what's on the ps3/psp. I've tried and tried and tried, but all I can get is a horizontal image that scrolls left and right. Please help, and I'll be sure to credit you if I use it.

Flash XMB Menu

Posted by Archawn - May 11th, 2008

Here is my random post of the day!
My goal is to get 200 comments! Comment once! Twice! 50 times? Who cares? ME!!!!! Comment to your heart's desire! Post and post and post and post! That's it, post!

Here's a song I made just for this special occasion.
"If you're happy and you know it make a post!
oh, if you're happy and but don't know it make a post!
if you're angry and you know it and you surely want to know it
if you're happy and you know it make a post!

Ok, to make this post worthwhile (<--- did I spell that right?), i've decided to include a picture of a cat... Don't question it, just love it!If you're happy and you know it make a post!

News of the day!

Posted by Archawn - May 10th, 2008

I'm looking for some kind of chat simulation to put in my new game. I have no idea where to look for one, but I want something where you type text into a text box, and the computer responds based on what you say. Please, I would love it if someone could help me out.

(if you need a sample of what I'm looking for, it's just like in that one game where you have to save the prisoner from execution... It's called death row)

Posted by Archawn - May 9th, 2008

I'm looking for some kind of chat simulation to put in my new game. I have no idea where to look for one, but I want something where you type text into a text box, and the computer responds based on what you say. Please, I would love it if someone could help me out.

Posted by Archawn - April 28th, 2008

Most of you probably have FP9 (Flash Player 9) by now, and I was wondering if any of you had the same problem that I do:

When visiting flash webages or watching movies here on Newgrounds, the background color is always white (as long as they don't put a colored shape for a BG). I was wondering if anyone knew how to fix this, because there are currently a few awesome flashes I want to see, but can't because of the background problem. If there is no way to fix this, I would advise you to not set a background color, but instead put a large colored box to avoid getting bad scores.

Posted by Archawn - April 22nd, 2008

Check this out!

......................... /´¯/)
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...................../... ./ /
............./´¯/'...'/´¯ ¯`·¸
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........('(...´(..´...... ,~/'...')
.........\............... ..\/..../
..........''...\......... . _.·´
............\............ ..(
..............\.......... ...\

I'm spreading the message, one post at a time! I hope you copy this and post it on your own page. Oh, and by the way: If you want some freakin' awesome flash tutorials, go to www.kirupa.com to be learned, biotch! Here's an awesome vid I found on www.hulu.com :

http://www.hulu.com/watch/1420/saturda y-night-live-myspace

(sorry, you'll have to go the link!)

It's the funniest thing I've seen from SNL in a while. I hope you like it!

BTW: If you have a ps3 and call of duty 4, and would like a worthy opponent to play against, add me on PSN. My tag is Archon68, and I'll kick your butt.

If you're reading this, go to some of my other posts, because I want some more comments! (My goal is to get to at least 100 on all of them.)

Thanks again,

PS: My pic below is so awesome, isn't it? It only took about 3 mins in photoshop... Mwahaha!


Posted by Archawn - April 12th, 2008

Add me in Call of Duty 4 Modern warfare for PS3! I'll kick ur butt and then stomp on it then cut it up and grill it, then i'll eat it for dinner, throw it up because it tastes like a noob's butt, then give it to my friend's dog, who'll poo it out because even he's too good for you. That's how awesome I am.

My gamertag is Archon68.
I am 55 2nd prestige.