I've decided to make this a weekly post. This is the 2nd in a series of updates about my new game. If you want to see my first post, click here.
Here is a quick overview of the features of my upcoming game, "A Windows Parody".
(note: features marked with an Asterisk ( * ) may or may not be included)
- Over 20 fake websites to browse, including 'toons + audio on NG
- Realistic 'Vista' look
- Working Start Menu
- Chat (explained here)
- Paint Clone (explained here)
- Addictive, simple games (explained here)
- I will try to make an animation program, and I'm learning to save bitmaps to do so!
- Newgrounds! (explained here)
- Runescape (I know it's a terrible game, but my parody will be better!)
- Blackjack
- Online Black Market
- Bomb control (blow up the White House wing by wing!)
- Errors!
- Homework helper (explained here)
- Much more!
New Features
- Audio Portal!
- Space Invaders
- More Errors!
- Type in your own URL to find websites (explained below)
- No Hand Cursor, just like in Windows.
- Google/Google Images/Gmail (called Poogle)(explained Below)
- Wanna chat with Tom Fulp-bot? More custom PandoraBots*
- I'll try adding some forums (PandoraBots galore!)*
- Virtual Piano w/recording*
Web Browser (Internet Adventurer)
As I mentioned in the last post, there will be tons of sites to browse. Now, you'll be able to type in a certain URL in an imput text box (or you can use the "help" feature and get a full list of links to the sites). Example: If you want to go to newgrounds, you can click on the NG icon, or go to the browser and type in "www.newgrounds.com". You can also type different forms of the same site. Ex: "www.newgrounds.com/346920" will take you to an animation,
"www.newgrounds.com/3450" will take you to another animation,
"www.newgrounds.com/submit" will allow you to submit a drawing you make in the Stain Program. (explained here)
Poogle Search Engine
There will be 3 Poogle sites:
Poogle Images
There will be some pictures to search through, and some web pages to find. Each has their own search terms, and I'm trying to link it to a database for even more possibilities.
Thanks for reading this looooooong post!
PS: Leave some comments so I can get some more feedback!